Just an add on to bus services here. The RTA* has a spiffy looking website. It has all the bus numbers, their schedules, and even their route maps. However, because of the constant and frequent road works here, there will be many traffic diversions and as a result the bus routes will change.
However there is NO notification on the spiffy website on the route change nor will there be any notice at all at the bus stop of the effect route indicating that the bus route has been diverted and the bus stop is no longer in use. So if you're really unlucky, you may be waiting hours at a bus stop for a bus that will never come.
A similar incident occured to me the very first time I tried taking a bus home. 2 other chaps were also there with me and if it wasn't for a near by car washer that came up to us and inform us of the change in bus route, we would have wanted for hours. God bless his soul man!
*Road Transport Authority
Green Eggs and Ham
This is a Pfeiffer's top shell (*Tegula pfeifferi*). It is perched atop a
structure of rock and coral, broadcasting eggs into the water while
attended to...
2 weeks ago
Dude ! Finally got your blog up ! Good on you man ! :) Looking forward to reading all about life over there :) keep em' coming :)
ha ha..yeah it's great to finally get one up and running. Have been wanting to do so for so long...maybe if I frequent all the cool posh joints in town and write about how Gobsmack Fabulicious the food and service is, I can be as famous as Dawn and Xia Xue. I'll need to hire a cover girl though..
keke.. yeah man.. you could be like a food critic.. post pics of dubai and all that.. would be cool :)
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