I think I understand now why I blog more frequently when I'm in the office. It is the only outlet for my mind.
Back in Singapore there were a number of ways I could seek an outlet. The frequent bouts of good natured jesting in the office certainly was one. Or I could go downstairs for coffee. Lunch times were definitely a great outlet as there were many places to go to within walking distance. And most of all, it was still home.
Over here it's different. Having your boss sit right behind you doesn't help. No large variety of lunch time venues within walking distance and no fun jovial office to joke with. It is mostly all seriousness and when the jokes do come around, it's on another level that I am unaccustomed to.
So hence, I blog.
Green Eggs and Ham
This is a Pfeiffer's top shell (*Tegula pfeifferi*). It is perched atop a
structure of rock and coral, broadcasting eggs into the water while
attended to...
2 weeks ago
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