Monday, April 19, 2010
Scuba Diver Australasia Photo Competition
Results will be out in July so we shall see what happens.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Alaska in June?
But a chance to photograph Alaska is just too good an opportunity to pass up and can only add to my "portfolio".
I have already decided what cameras and lenses to bring.
1. Nikon D700
2. Nikkor 14-42mm f2.8
3. Nikkor 70-200 mm f2.8
4. Nikkor 60mm f2.8 Macro.
5. Leica M8
6. Nokton 35mm f1.2
7. Color Skopar 21mm f4
8. Leica Elmarit-M 28mm f2.8
Heck I can even look forward to renting a car there.
Shooting Underwater

However there are always a few difficulties encountered when shooting underwater that are easily forgotten when reviewing the best of one's photos in the comfort of one's home.

Take these cute little Hippocampus Denise Pygmy Seahorses for example. I was shooting with a 105mm macro lens, had both strobes on and had a huge focus light on. I guess because the subject itself is ridiculously small, the auto focus function of the lens had a heck of a time locking on to the subject, and in this case I wanted the eyes to be the tack sharp. The seahorse kept moving which didn't help and at this point I will stress the importance of a really good dive guide who understands your needs enough to do what is necessary without going so far as to traumatising or injuring any marine organism for the sake of getting the shot.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Blogger Font styles - all seven.
I wonder how many font styles does wordpress have?
Monday, April 12, 2010
Orangutan Crab

An Outlet for my Mind..
Back in Singapore there were a number of ways I could seek an outlet. The frequent bouts of good natured jesting in the office certainly was one. Or I could go downstairs for coffee. Lunch times were definitely a great outlet as there were many places to go to within walking distance. And most of all, it was still home.
Over here it's different. Having your boss sit right behind you doesn't help. No large variety of lunch time venues within walking distance and no fun jovial office to joke with. It is mostly all seriousness and when the jokes do come around, it's on another level that I am unaccustomed to.
So hence, I blog.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Photo taking in Angkor and Beng Mealea

Most of the above were shot on Fujichrome Velvia 100 with the exception of the guy playing the musical instrument which I believe was done on Kodak Ektachrome E100VS. As you can tell I like high saturation colour slides. Film just has a certain character and quality about it that digital just cannot replicate which will see me along with a lot of other film afficianos using this medium for a long time to come.
God bless film...
Return to Siem Reap

Angkor Wat at dawn.
Angkor Wat with Heisham in the distance.
However the main purpose for my wanting to visit Siem Reap a second time around was to visit Beng Melea which is a little farther out from Siem Reap in the opposite direction of Angkor Wat. It was a short trip with a full Thursday spent visiting the Angkor ruins and the good part of Friday morning visiting Beng Melea which was about an hour's drive out of Siem Reap.
As I wanted to be a hero, I decided to travel light this time and shoot entirely on film and on two camera bodies mainly a Leica M6 and MP (I left the Lomo LC-A out at the last minute). Everything went into a Think Tank waist pouch and voila! Travel Photography made light and easy.....somewhat. And I must say I found it such a liberating experience unlike the first time I was here with cumbersome slingbag with DSLR and heavy tripod in tow! The waist pouch camera bag concept is just revolutionary as all that weight is transfered to your hips allowing one to traipse gaily over fallen rocks and boulders without much effort like so..
Beng Mealea
Beng Mealea was simply breathtaking. It was a damn good thing we got there early before the tour groups arrived because being there alone, amidst the forested ruins, one can't help but feel a sense of awe and adventure.
The toppled entrance to Beng Mealea.
Unlike the rest of the Angkor ruins which are now mostly well kept and manicured, Beng Mealea has been left to the jungle and it's growth has been allowed free rein. This may not be a bad thing as not only does it add to the "lost quiet jungle ruin" atmosphere but it more importantly provides protection and shade from the sun!

The Beng Mealea experience was simply a beautiful and breathtaking one, that is until the noisy Chinese tourist horde arrived with their shrieks and howls. It all then went downhill from there..
Nevetheless we got the hell outta there...
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Last Night at Home
I picked Aileen up this evening from the budget terminal. Although I was glad to see her I could see her sadness at having to leave her children (age 6 and 4) behind and not see them again for the next 2 years.
Anyways Aileen was sweet enough to buy us stuff from the Philippines. She got Norman and me Bermudas and she even knew what size to get us!
After having had to play maid to my father for the last 2 weeks, I have developed a healthy respect for what she has to go through. I am glad though that she has her sister and friends here to come back to so it won't be all that bad. Just like how I always looked forward to going back to Dubai because of my mates.
However this time around, it will not be the same anymore. sigh.